This year we decided to actually take a vacation (novel idea for us)! We actually have never taken a week off from work together (except for when Jaxon was born) the entire time we have worked at Fairwinds- which is coming up on 9 years, CRAZY. We decided to take a road trip - we left Spokane early (4 AM) on a Saturday morning and drove to Birch Bay, just outside Bellingham where we rented an absolutely amazing beach house. We we fortunate enough to have the Knowltons come along with us for this leg of our journey. Here are some pictures from our time in Birch Bay.
Oh and I better mention that this vacation blog post is probably going to be gigantic because Jason takes LOTS of pictures and there are just too many to choose from. So, sit back, relax and hope you have a few minutes :-)

Beautiful sunset from the patio.

Sadie showing off the view! There were stairs down to the beach right next to her. So we had direct access to the water.

Family shot of the Knowltons. Hard to believe that it's been 13 years since Jason and Sam first met at Office Depot and became friends!

Heidi was able to come along with us as well, enjoying a great glass of wine, with an even better view!

Jaxon adores Cameron and Sadie!!

Jaxon had lots of room to play in this house, it was 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and had double doors that opened up from the dining room / living room to a large patio and grassy area before the fence and stairs that went down to the beach.

And there were outside toys too!

This was quite the fun game they had going on. The kids all took turns "riding" in the dump truck.

Taking a break from the dump truck game for a quick photo.

We really could have been in Hawaii and you wouldn't have known the difference. We had gorgeous 80degree plus weather, beautiful view, amazing sunsets!! It was great!

Jaxon could have stood and thrown rocks in the ocean for days, he thought it was great fun.

Seriously, gorgeous sunsets!


Daddy and Jaxon skipping rocks on the beach in front of the beach house.
Jason posing for a very cool photo!

Aunt Heidi (or Aunt Abu as Jaxon calls her)

Surrounded by Love!

Mommy, Heidi and Jaxon exploring the ocean floor while the tide was out early in the morning.

Jaxon holding seaweed!
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