We didn't really have anything going on the first weekend of August, so we thought it would be fun to take Jaxon to Silverwood. I hadn't been their since my bachelorette party 9 years ago and it had been almost 15 years for Jason. So, we packed up and headed out for the day. Little did we know, that it was the most popular Saturday of the summer for Silverwood and when we got there, we found out there was 11,000 people there that day - CRAZY. But lucky for us, we weren't too interested in the rides, so we didn't have to wait in line. We mostly walked all around the park and checked out all of the new things that have been added since the last time we were there. It is now a HUGE theme park with a great water park, lots of new rides, etc. etc. We can only imagine how fun it will be next year when Jaxon is big enough to go on more of the rides, but we did take him the carousel and he enjoyed taking a look at all the water park features. It was a beautiful, HOT, summer day and we had lots of fun at Silverwood.
Family photo - as you can see, Jaxon was preoccupied by the helicopter ride that we were standing in front of.
Daddy and Jaxon on the bridge. We were going to take him on the little kid roller coaster, but it seemed just a little too fast for him.
Walking around. He is getting so independent, he really didn't want to hold my hand.
Loved the new pictures. I'm sure you are missing Jesse and I KNOW he is missing all of you. Hope to see you soon. Love, Jane