As you can see by all the earlier posts, this summer has been amazing. Full of fun and laughter. However, this last week was a bit of a tough week. On Saturday, the 14th, Jaxon was busy walking around the house as usual, we he tripped over his own feet and fell to the floor (not an uncommon thing), however this time on his way down he hit the end table and ended up slicing his eyelid. It looked like he was going to need stitches, so off we went to Urgent Care. The doctor decided that they didn't need to do stitches, but they would use DermaBond instead (kind of like superglue) It really didn't seem to hurt Jaxon much, but he HATED being held down, and it took the nurse, the doctor and Jason and I to keep him still. After all was said and done, we went home for a quiet morning and of course I held him through this long morning nap. Couldn't help but snuggle with the little guy after he had to go through that. Later that day we went down to Riverfront Park for KidsFest, however we forgot the camera, so no pictures of that, but Jaxon loved seeing all the little kids and he got a balloon which he thought was awesome! Here are a few photos from that day of his injury.

It started to scab up within a few days and then it just looked like he had eyeshadow or something on. The scab finally fell off on the next Saturday.
It started to scab up within a few days and then it just looked like he had eyeshadow or something on. The scab finally fell off on the next Saturday.
Sunday we headed back to the River and had a great day. Then on Monday morning through a bit of miscommunication between Jason and I, Jaxon fell down our stairs from the dining room to the landing by the Front Door. I was just steps behind him and saw him fall (which I still can't get that image out of my mind!) He hit about half way down and then landed on the landing. Luckily our stairs are carpeted and he is a tough little boy. But it still maybe mommy and daddy just about throw up. He cried for a few minutes and then was fine. I was on the phone to the nurse hotline and they gave me all the things to look for. He ended up being just fine, but it was so scary for us! We are now a little OCD about the gates and hopefully Jaxon won't have a complex about the stairs. Looks like our little guys loves adventure and it's good thing he's so tough!
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