After Christmas we decided to take a little road trip to see Jason's family in Billings. We drove over on New Year's Eve and arrived there about 10:30 PM. Jesse went with us and we had a great time. We stayed at Uncle Jim and Aunt Jane's house and Jaxon loved meeting lots of the Korb family, some that he had never met before. For some reason we didn't take very many pictures (seems to be a theme for 2011), but we did have a great time ringing in the new year in Billings.
Our only downside was on the trip home. We left early Monday morning to get a jumpstart on the drive back (and try and drive while Jaxon was sleeping as much as possible) But about 45 minutes outside of Bozeman - Jaxon woke up crying and fussing. We weren't quite sure what was wrong, until he vomitted all over (and I do mean ALL over!) We stopped at a little Bakery off the side of the road and got him cleaned up, he then proceeded to fuss and throw up 3 more times on the way home - the last time right before we pulled in our driveway. To make a long story short - Jaxon's first experience with the flu - was not all that much fun, especially when we had no other choice than to clean him up after each time, buckle him back in and continue the drive home. 24 hours later - I got sick, then 24 hours after that Jason and Shaune (his nanny) got sick. Jaxon just couldn't quite fight it and after 5 days of vomitting we took him to Sacred Heart ER to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated and they gave him what seemed to be a miracle pill and he stopped throwing up within 20 minutes and got much better with each day after that! I didn't quite realize how much laundry you could go through with a litte one being sick - but I hope that we don't have to experience that again for a long time!
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