Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Logging with Grandpa
I think my Dad had been waiting for this day ever since he found out we were having a boy! Taking him out into the woods to go "Logging" Jaxon thought that the equipment was soooo cool. We thought he might be a little afraid to get on the equipment, because it can seem a little loud, but of course - he LOVED it! I can just see in the years to come that he will be insisting that he drive and I'm sure Grandpa will let him :-)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Just having fun!
More fun with "Hats" Even though this was his trick or treating basket - Jaxon thought it could also be useful as a hat. And one of his bins from his changing table - would make a great car or something for him to sit in. His imagination is really going these days and it's so fun to watch him play and see what he comes up with. He just keeps more and more fun with each day!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Helping mommy "cook"
One of Jaxon's favorite things is to help out in the kitchen. We got a new set of pots and pans for Christmas, so we let Jaxon have "his set" which is in the drawer of the oven that he can play with. So, he takes them all out and lines them up in size order (yes, he is a little bit of a organizer - but I guess with Jason and I as parents, that should be expected) gets out his "poons" spoons and cooks up some delicious for us to eat :-) On this day however, I found he had emptied out the drawer and had decided that he shold get into it, LOL too funny!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Spring is here - time for the park!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Ready for a laugh??
This picture probably doesn't need any writing to go along with it...but here's a little anyway. Shaunae (Jaxon's nanny) was snapping pictures of him one day and this one ended up on the camera - hilarious!! We have laughed so many times at this, hysterically. I guess if you know Jason, you know that of course his son would make funny faces like this and make people laugh. So, you should save this picture to your desktop and if you are ever having a bad day - take a look - it's sure to cheer you up - thanks for the smiles Jaxon!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
18 months old!!
Wow - the expression "time flies" really has more meaning for me these days. It's hard to believe, Jaxon is now officially a year and a half - countdown to his second birthday. I keep telling myself I really need to start planning his birthday party because it will be here before I know yet...and yes, some of you may think it's a little early, but I'm kind of a planner like that :-)
On March 15th Jaxon had is 18 month check up with Dr. Rice and here were his stats:
Height 33 inches - 75 percentile
Weight 25 pounds 5 ounces - 25 percentile
And he receive 4 more shots - which he really didn't appreciate this time!
Happy Birthday Grandpa - Happy 18 months Jaxon!
It was Grandpa Korb's birthday and Jaxon's 1/2 birthday on March 12th so we celebrated by going out to dinner and then having everyone over for cake and ice cream. Jaxon is always ready and excited for a party :-) Here are a few pics of the two of them!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Korb Restaurant
Jaxon has become much more independent and picky about what he likes to eat lately. Some of his favorites are: oatmeal (he has this for breafkast each morning and LOVES it), ravioli, soup, toast with butter and jam, milk (he loves, loves, loves milk), peas, cottage cheese, sliced cheese, and hummus. Some of the things that he really doesn't like lately are: brocoli, chicken, green beans, and rice. Most nights he still sits in his high chair, but we have had him sit in his booster at the big table a few times and he likes that a lot.
These are few photos from his dinners lately.
Friday, April 8, 2011
One of Jaxon's favorite things recently is HATS! Anyone wearing a hat is his new friend, any kind of hat - he will try on, he just LOVES hats! Here are a few shots with his cowboy hat that he got from Aunt Heidi on Christmas.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Our little astronaut
Saturday, April 2, 2011
New Year's Eve 2011
After Christmas we decided to take a little road trip to see Jason's family in Billings. We drove over on New Year's Eve and arrived there about 10:30 PM. Jesse went with us and we had a great time. We stayed at Uncle Jim and Aunt Jane's house and Jaxon loved meeting lots of the Korb family, some that he had never met before. For some reason we didn't take very many pictures (seems to be a theme for 2011), but we did have a great time ringing in the new year in Billings.
Our only downside was on the trip home. We left early Monday morning to get a jumpstart on the drive back (and try and drive while Jaxon was sleeping as much as possible) But about 45 minutes outside of Bozeman - Jaxon woke up crying and fussing. We weren't quite sure what was wrong, until he vomitted all over (and I do mean ALL over!) We stopped at a little Bakery off the side of the road and got him cleaned up, he then proceeded to fuss and throw up 3 more times on the way home - the last time right before we pulled in our driveway. To make a long story short - Jaxon's first experience with the flu - was not all that much fun, especially when we had no other choice than to clean him up after each time, buckle him back in and continue the drive home. 24 hours later - I got sick, then 24 hours after that Jason and Shaune (his nanny) got sick. Jaxon just couldn't quite fight it and after 5 days of vomitting we took him to Sacred Heart ER to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated and they gave him what seemed to be a miracle pill and he stopped throwing up within 20 minutes and got much better with each day after that! I didn't quite realize how much laundry you could go through with a litte one being sick - but I hope that we don't have to experience that again for a long time!
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