Once again time has slipped away and I'm behind on blog posts, surprise, surprise!
Well, my goal is to catch up in the next week, so here it goes.
On Good Friday, we had quite a scare as Jason and I were home, tending to Jaxon as he had come down with a fever that day (it was Spring Break, so Jason had been home with him that day). We had been giving him lots of TLC and finally around 4:00 PM it seemed that his fever had broke, yea! We had dinner, and were watching cartoons when Jaxon said he had to go potty. So, off he went up the stairs. Jason met him at the top of the stairs and they headed toward the bathroom. I was still in the living room and heard a loud thump and then Jason yelling for me to get up their "QUICK!" As I ran to the top of the stairs I saw Jason holding Jaxon in his arms as Jaxon had begun a full body seizure. I ran to call 911 as Jason took him into the bath and begin pouring cold water on his head. It seemed like it took forever, but the seizure finally stopped. He was then just in a daze, but we knew he was breathing, and when he seemed to snap out of it and start to cry, we were both so relieved. The fireman arrived shortly after. They said that Jaxon had probably had a febrile seizure, because by the time they arrived, he had stopped and was just quietly crying in Jason's arms. They got us all settled in the ambualance and off we went to Sacred Heart. They gave Jaxon a new little bear that we fittingly named "Lance" for Ambulance, and he still sleeps with him every night! In the ER they said that the cause was probably a double ear infection and although it's not supposed to be hereditary in any way, the fact that I had had not one, but two of these seizures when I was a toddler was definitely a factor in determining that it's probably what it was. We followed up with our pediatrician on Monday, when Jaxon had broken out in a rash, and she said that actually it wasn't a double ear infection, but Roseola (hence the rash on Monday because the fever finally broke). So, Easter Sunday was definitely full of a lot of extra hugs for this little guy, because it was a pretty scary thing to go through just a few short hours earlier!

Helping Mommy make the traditional Bunny Cake. Not sure what year we started having these, but we haven't missed a year since - the tradition continues!
Easter Basket - eggs, piggy bank, chocolate bunny from Hallett's, and a CARS watch!
Trying to get the eggs open so he can see what's inside!
Mass at Gonzaga later that morning with Grandpa Greg, Grandma Debbie, Uncle Jesse, Mom, Dad and Jaxon.
Getting ready for the Easter Egg Hunt after mass.
He found lots of eggs!
Opening presents from Abu at home a little later.
Hunting for eggs at our house. It was a little cold and windy (notice the winter hat!)