My dad turned 55 last month and we celebrated with a little party at Heidi's house. Jaxon is just the perfect age to finally have figured out what is going on and loves to join in on the festivities. Ever since his birthday in September, he gets so excited about birthdays. Anytime we start to sing Happy Birthday, he gets very excited! Here are a few photos from that evening.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
First time in the snow!
We had quite an early snowfall this year. We were excited to get Jaxon all bundled up and take him out to see the snow falling for the first time. He didn't quite know what to think. It was very windy and cold and the snow kept blowing in his face, so that made him really hesitant. But it was definitely fun for us to see his reaction.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Seattle Trip - more photos!
Off to Seattle - again!
Jason noting his strange resemblence to the gorilla.
Jaxon loved the bronze statues of the gorillas.
He had a great time seeing all of these animals come to life. He can now makes lots of animals noises and can tell you what a cow says, what a dog says, cat, lion, monkey, duck, sheep, goat, pig, and rooster.
Aunt Heidi was there too!
What a bunch of monkeys!
I was taking another trip to Seattle for work, so Jason decided to take vacation and he and Jaxon would come along with me. We stayed an extra day (we were going to stay two days, but the weather just didn't cooperate, so we came home early) and we went to the zoo and took Jaxon around Seattle. We had another great trip, although it is getting much harder to keep Jaxon occupied and "confined" when nothing is baby proofed! He loves to run everywhere, and being in unfamiliar surroundings proved to be a little challenging. He did great on the car ride though - we traveled during the evening so he would sleep and he just slept the whole way there and the whole way back, which was nice! Here are few photos from our trip.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Happy Halloween 2010!
Family shot!
Getting ready to walk up to Grandma's door for trick or treating.
Here we go!
Knock, knock Grandma!
Loving all the attention and looking so darn cute! Our little pumpkin!
I'm definitely late in this post (surprise, surprise) - but nonetheless, we had a great time with Jaxon on Halloween this year. He LOVED his costume and would laugh each time he looked in the mirror at himself. I enjoyed the fact that it was on the weekend, so we took Jaxon out "trick or treating" during the day and then were home in enough time to hand candy out at our house. Jaxon loved seeing the kids' costumes and got soooo excited each time the doorbell would ring. It was a great day.
Friday, November 12, 2010
1 Year Old Pictures
We were fortunate to be able to have Jaidean ( take Jaxon's 1 Year Old Pictures. We went to Manito Park and Jaidean knows all the great spots to take pictures. They turned out amazing - hard to believe how big he is getting. Such a little man already. Here are just a few to enjoy....
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Singing and playing!
Jaxon loves to sing and dance! We can hear any type of music or beat and he just starts bopping his head, swinging his arms, and spinning in circles! He especially loves kids songs and has learned the hand motions to many of the songs. We captured him after breakfast on Halloween morning doing the motions to some of his favorites.
"Itsy bitsy spider" (This is the down came the rain part...)
"Where is thumbkin?" He loves moving his fingers to this song.
"If you're happy and you know it"....Clap your hands.
"Where is thumbkin?" He loves moving his fingers to this song.
"Head and Shoulders..."
I guess I haven't updated in a while as far as his new "skills". He can now count to two - we are currently working on moving up to three :-) He loves books and can point out many objects in the books that you ask him to (ball, shoes, phone, tv, dog, cat, airplane, tricycle, socks, flower, baby, bird, pumpkin, etc. etc.) He says "mama, daddy, bubba, banana, ball, bottle, grandma, grandpa, bye bye, night night, snack, that?" He can point to many body parts of his when asked - nose, eyes, tongue, teeth, ear, hair, head, belly, bellybutton, fingers, toes - and we're working on knees and elbows. Halloween was his first official day with no bottles. He didn't seem to mind at all. He doesn't really have any "security objects" that he has to have, guess he feels very loved and secure :-) He graduated to a big boy car seating, facing forward and absolutely LOVES it! Takes only one nap per day - about 2 hours in the afternoon and finally sleeps through the night (most nights). Has learned to open all the drawers and cupboards in the house - guess it's time for the latches! Jaxon is on the go non-stop all day long, like most typical one year olds I'm sure....if he's not dancing to whatever music is on, he's running (and I mean running!) around the house laughing and having a great time! We are having so much fun with him and can't seem to get enough time to enjoy him. I hear it just keeps getting more fun - we can't wait!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
New haircut!
It seems like we just took Jaxon for his first haircut, but it was already getting pretty long, so we took him in for another haircut. Here are a few pictures of him having lunch just after getting his hair cut (the stylist put lots of gel in it). He was having a great time eating lunch and showing off his new haircut.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Dressed Myself!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Greenbluff Pumpkin Patch Trip 2010
The weekend before Halloween we went up to Greenbluff to the Pumpkin Patch with our friends, the Kaufmans. Jaxon absolutely adores Brent and Jen's kids (especially the girls, although I have no doubt that by next summer, he and Chase will be the best of friends!!) The weather was a little wet and cold, but we didn't get rained on, which was nice. Then after we were through, we went back to their house for Chili, Cornbread and Pumpkin Bars - yum! Here are a few photos of our fun day!
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