Tuesday, November 17, 2009

9 weeks old!

These photos were taken last Saturday when Jaxon turned 9 weeks old! I must say that he is soooo cute! (Not that I'm biased or anything) I worked 12 hours today and I really missed him! I just had to come home for dinner because it had been too long! I was greeted by lots of smiles and talking back to me, which is so fun! Jason and I are having a blast with him and it seems like each week just brings new adventures and new interactions with him :-)

Our little man!

Dad picked out the hat, of course!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

8 Weeks Old!

These pictures were taken when Jaxon was 8 weeks old!! He's getting so big now, very interactive and social. He's such a good baby, no surprise to his mommy and daddy!!

First Halloween!!

Jaxon was too little for any of the costumes this year...but he still had a festive outfit and we went trick-or-treating in Deer Park! We handed out candy at our house first before we headed out - so we got kind of a late start, Jaxon slept through it all :-)

Grandpa and Aunt Heidi carved pumpkins for Jaxon!

Then we stpped at Grandma's house for a visit!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jaxon's Many Faces!

I just realized that I posted these on Facebook, but not on here...so here they are - the many faces of Jaxon these days. He has become so much more interactive and alert! He definitely knows what's going on around and him, and he'll let you know what he likes and doesn't like! He was 8 weeks old yesterday, can't believe that much time has gone by already. As soon as we get those photos on our computer I'll post them - he's definitely getting big :-)

Family Photos

Lunch at Red Lobster for Uncle Jesse's Birthday!

Then later at his party at the Pizza Factory in Deer Park!