Jaxon's umbilical cord fell off at the end of last week, so we gave him his first bath at home on Sunday. He didn't love it, but he didn't hate it either, so it was overall very fun for us! He has some of the cutest bath "gear" and we tried to snap lots of pictures with him all decked out.
Getting all clean!
Getting dried off in his cute hooded towel.
Cuddling with Mom after the bath.
Kisses from Dad after he got his robe 0n.
Since he was all relaxed and worn out from the bath, we decided it was a good time to file down/trim his nails. We joked that is was his first "Spa Day" I think he looks like he couldn't get any more comfortable!
My cousin Tatum and her daughter, Isabelle, came up from Pullman and stopped by to meet Jaxon. Isabelle is already a year old - and she is so much fun...she kept us laughing all evening!
We are very fortunate to have a friend who is an amazing photographer. She came over last weekend and took some beautiful pictures of Jaxon. If you want to check them out, go to her blog at www.jaideanbakerphotography.com/blog/ Thanks again Jaidean - we love the photos!!
Our first big outing was to Uncle Jesse's Homecoming Football Game - Deer Park vs Kettle Falls. Don't worry, we didn't sit in the stands with everyone, we parked just outside the fence and had a great view of the game, Grandpa John parked his pickup next to us and we had a tailgate party, it was very fun! We had lots of visitors who took a timeout from the game to come meet Jaxon, and have a little bbq. It was great to see so many people. Jaxon stayed comfy in the car seat and barely made a peep the whole game - definitely a football fan. The ending score was DP 44, Kettle 0.
Uncle Jesse after the game - can't believe this is his senior year! We'll definitely miss watching football next fall! Saying hi to his #1 fan.
The Moore family stopped by for a visit.
Grandpa getting ready to cook hot dogs for everyone.
Jason decided to be domestic on our first day home and attempt baking banana bread - he did very well for his first time ever baking anything!! Visit from Jaxon's Great Aunt Wendy Going home outfit - mittens on because he kept scratching his face...kind of makes him look like a boxer. Leaving the hospital - Tuesday, September 15th. Getting all set for his first ride in the car. Emery holding Jaxon - she was very into him and had lots of kisses for him.
Kayla was a natural at holding Jaxon, definitely a future babysitter! Cameron taking his turn holding the baby during their visit. A visit from Great Grandma Thompson
Hanging out with Daddy in the nusery while Mommy was in recovery. Just reunited after finishing up in recovery. Daddy is all smiles holding Jaxon on day 2. Kisses!!
We enjoyed visits from many of our family and friends while we were in the hospital. Jaxon will definitely be very loved! We thank everyone for all of their visits, flowers, cards & well wishes! Thank you!!
Jaxon was born at 2:41 PM on Saturday, September 12th. He weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. He was wide awake when we met him and he stayed awake while I was in recovery and Jason had him in the nursery for all of the official business. As soon as I was done in recovery, he joined me in our hospital room where he got to meet his Grandpa John, Aunt Heidi and Grandma Kim for the first time. It was such an exciting and joyous day for us all. I couldn't even imagine what it was going to feel like to meet Jaxon for the first time, but we were so releaved, happy and ecstatic to know that he was safe and healthy!
On Friday, September 11th we went to our doctor's appointment and our ultra sound showed that my amniotic fluid was getting low, and so my doctor decided it would be best to induce me that night. We arrived at Sacred Heart at 5:00 PM to start the induction. It was a long night of waiting, but as you can see by the photos, we did have a very large room and a beautiful view to enjoy! Jason was a very good sport and stayed up with me for most of the night before catching a little sleep on his ultra comfortable couch/bed (LOL) Heidi and my dad visited and brought pizza around 10:00 since I wasn't going to be able to eat the next day, I thought I'd better eat while I could! On Saturday, they broke my water at 10:30 AM and the contractions picked up tremendously. I had my epidural about an hour later and everything seemed to be progressing just fine. At about 12:30 I was awoken by a few nurses looking at my monitors and moving me around to change positions. Jaxon's heart rate had begun to drop after the conclusion of each contraction. Whenever I switched to my right side, his heart rate went back to normal, but as soon as they switched me back to my left, his heart rate would drop again. Our nurse (who was sooooo wonderful!!) called the doctor and around 1:45 she came and did an exam and it was determined that it would be best for Jaxon to do a c-section and get him out so that he wouldn't be in distress any longer. So, once the decision was made, the process went pretty quickly. Jason had just enough time to put on his scrubs, then join me in the operating room to see Jaxon for the first time. The c-section went very well and all of the staff were so nice, they were comforting and professional ...I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to deliver our baby!